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9006160500   STEAM activities in the English Language Learning classroom(CLIL):Incorporating the Maker Movement
2017-2018   Curs. Educació Primària
   16/7/2018 - 20/7/2018 (20 hores) de 10:00h a 14:00h
   Biblioteca Ignasi Iglesias- Can Fabra
   c. Segre 24-32 (Barcelona) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Face to face sessons from 16th to 20th July.
Accessos   Plànol
Tipus activitat   US18 STEAM activities in the English Language Learning classroom(CLIL):Incorporating the Maker Movement
Inscripció   15/05/2018 - 31/05/2018
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Why Making Matters: Digital Literacies and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Mini Makers and Digital Literacies: Incorporating the Maker Movement into the English Language Learning Classroom
Makerspaces are frequently becoming a part of the national education landscape in the United States, promoting the acquisition of invaluable skills in the STEAM fields.

These skills, coupled with Internet communication technologies (ICTs), have had a profound impact on the way students communicate and learn today. Digital and media communication tools are ubiquitous in the world of our students’ lives and will continue to develop and expand in the future. ICTs can provide unique ways for students to engage in a range of literacy experiences including how to gather and discern appropriate information, how to interact with others, and how to can collaborate most effectively.

The following course has been designed as a professional learning series for educators and pre-service teach
Objectius   The course will provide the tools necessary for educators to incorporate makerspace and digital literacy learning experiences promoting language and literacy in the English Language Learning classroom.

•How to use a variety of materials, including digital tools, to help support language development and English Language Learning.
•How to assist students to shape stories and ideas in a second language using
various maker experiences: digital tools and animatronix.
•How to create a physical space for students to use STEAM materials to tell stories and express ideas in English (a second language).

The overarching goal of the series is to provide both theoretical and practical tools to increase participant knowledge surrounding student engaged assessment, design thinking and the language and literacy benefits of incorporating makerspaces into the English Language Learning classroom and community spaces.
Continguts   Participants will learn how to incorporate the following digital media and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs) into their classroom curriculum and best practices surrounding each material and resource:

•Day 1: Introduction the course, review of learning targets and objectives, introduction of the final project, review of classroom shared drive and website that will be used throughout the course of the 5-day learning experience. Participants will engage in a variety of collaborative learning experiences to encourage the creation of rapport and will participate in a Building Background Knowledge Workshop surrounding digital literacies and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the field of education.

•Day 2: Blogs, Video blogs and video logs, collaborative classroom websites

•Day 3: How to create a physical space for students to use STEAM materials to tell stories and express ideas in English

•Day 4: Best practices surrounding the strategic use of social media in the classroom curriculum

•Day 5: The incorporation of Applications in the classroom curriculum (Book Creator, Seesaw, and Scratch)
Formador/a   Lorella Lamonaca
Avaluació   Participants will create a final project utilizing the skills and one of the resources learned in the professional development sequence. All projects will be uploaded onto a shared drive where participants can access and share materials and resources from the course.

Participants will be evaluated on their ability to implement one of the following learned technologies into their curriculum:
•Video blogs and video logs
•Collaborative websites
•The incorporation and best practices around the use of social media in the classroom curriculum
•The incorporation of Applications in the classroom curriculum (Book Creator, Seesaw, or Scratch)
Requisits de  certificació   1.Minimum attendance: 80% of face to face hours.

2.Participants will be required to do a task or tasks per module related to the module content. Tasks must be uploaded in Odissea. All tasks must be completed to obtain the course certificate.
Persones  destinatàries   Primary school teachers who hold a B2 or above certifcate in English.

If your specialization degree and / or level of English language (C2, C1 or B2) is not credited in ATRI date-base, you must fill in this FORM within the application period.
You can check: RESOLUCIÓ ENS/2480/2017, de 20 d’octubre
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dilluns   16/07/2018   1000   1400 
 Sessió 2   dimarts   17/07/2018   1000   1400 
 Sessió 3   dimecres   18/07/2018   1000   1400 
 Sessió 4   dijous   19/07/2018   1000   1400 
 Sessió 5   divendres   20/07/2018   1000   1400 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent